Commons Transition Primer
- A short, illustrated primer on the change making potential of the Commons and P2P
- Michel Bauwens, Vasilis Kostakis, Stacco Troncoso, Ann Marie Utratel
- 52 pages
- More info; ES version

Changing Societies Through Urban Commons Transitions
- Examines the re-emergence of the urban commons from bottom-up emergence by commoners to radical municipal administrative configurations.
- Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Niaros
- 72 pages
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The Catalan Integral Cooperative
- An organizational study of a post-capitalist cooperative
- George Dafermos
- 34 pages
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Value in the Commons Economy
- Developments in Open and Contributory Value Accounting
- Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Niaros
- 50 pages
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Peer to Peer and the Commons: A matter, energy and thermodynamic perspective I
- Part I: Towards an economy that is embedded and recognizes the limitations of our natural world
- Céline Piques and Xavier Rizos with Michel Bauwens
- 47 pages. More info

Peer to Peer and the Commons: A matter, energy and thermodynamic perspective II
- Part Two: The commons economy in practice
- Céline Piques and Xavier Rizos with Michel Bauwens
- 63 Pages
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Re-imagining Value: Insights from the Care Economy, Commons, Cyberspace and Nature
- What is “value” and how shall we protect it? A Commons Strategies Group Deep Dive Report
- David Bollier
- 62 pages
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State Power and Commoning: Transcending a Problematic Relationship
- Can commons and the state fruitfully co-exist – and if so, how? A Commons Strategies Group Deep Dive Report
- David Bollier
- 50 pages
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Supporting the Commons: Opportunities in the EU policy landscape
- Can the Commons reinvigorate progressive politics and contribute to a more socially and ecologically sustainable Europe?
- Sophie Bloemen & David Hammerstein
- 49 pages
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The EU and the Commons: A Commons Approach to European Knowledge Policy
- The commons perspective is a new framework for understanding how knowledge can contribute to some important, long-overdue EU policy discussions
- Sophie Bloemen & David Hammerstein
- 39 pages
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Commons Transition: Policy Proposals for an Open Knowledge Commons Society
- 3 updated Commons Transition plans, introductory materials and interviews
- Michel Bauwens, John Restakis, George Dafermos and Janice Figueiredo
- 203 pages
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A New Model of Production for a New Economy
- Design global/manufacture local in agricultural communities
- Chris Giotitsas and Jose Ramos
- 23 pages
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Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy
- A comprehensive survey and analysis of new forms of collaborative production on the Internet
- Michel Bauwens, Nicolás Mendoza, Franco Iacomella
- 346 pages
- More info